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Our Funders
All dinner costs are covered by Mouthful thanks to our funders, listed below. We receive generous grants that allow us to have engaging, intimate conversations over delicious food.

MA Youth Philanthropy Fund
The MA Youth Philanthropy Fund is a collaboration between MA School and the Youth Leadership Institute. The mission of the MA Youth Grants Board is to promote and encourage youth leadership throughout the Bay Area.
Grants are issued for youth-led projects that benefit and impact the greater Bay Area community.
Grants are issued for youth-led projects that benefit and impact the greater Bay Area community.

San Francisco University High School Rosenblatt Grant
The award is for civic, community and cultural projects on an annual basis in honor of Toby Rosenblatt's service and commitment to our school and to San Francisco. The summer fellowship program is established and intended to support the wonderful work that students do In the Community Engagement Program during the school year and provides students with the opportunity to engage in in-depth public service, of their own creation, during the summer months.

The Pollination Project
The Pollination Project seeks to unleash the goodness in every person. They make seed grants to social change agents who seek to spread compassion
in their communities and in the world for the benefit of all.
The Pollination Project is a global funding platform that provides small startup grants to individual
changemakers and projects that promote compassion around the world
in their communities and in the world for the benefit of all.
The Pollination Project is a global funding platform that provides small startup grants to individual
changemakers and projects that promote compassion around the world

McGinnity Family Foundation
Established in 2014, The McGinnity Family Foundation (MFF) supports the ideas of young people. By funding their initiatives, youth are provided with a “seat at the table."
The McGinnity Family Foundation, Inc. (MFF) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) private family foundation that seeks to help young people become agents of change, harness their innovative spirit and address local and global challenges.”
President Tom McGinnity explains, “There is amazing potential in the minds and hearts of young people that need to be nourished and shared.”
The McGinnity Family Foundation, Inc. (MFF) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) private family foundation that seeks to help young people become agents of change, harness their innovative spirit and address local and global challenges.”
President Tom McGinnity explains, “There is amazing potential in the minds and hearts of young people that need to be nourished and shared.”
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